Многоканальные телефоны (495)NoSkype 660-37-21, 780-51-39 info@metal-tec.ru
Например: кромкорез
Наши координаты Адрес: г.Москва, ул. Кирпичная, д. 48
поля, д. 9. Время работы:
Понедельник - Пятница с 9 до 18 часов

OMCA - оборудование для обработки кромки и снятия фасок с металла


OMCA was founded in the sixties as a generic mechanic company. Then OMCA developed in two fields: one for mechanical working on CNC machines on behalf of third parties and another for projecting and manufacturing of mechanical equipment (draggers and rotating tailstocks, bench and portable chamfering machines). With this last product OMCA reached the Italian leadership with more then 500 resellers . Thanks to the export office, OMCA has also collaborations in Europe (Germany, Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, Russia) and all over the world (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, South Africa, USA etc). From 1996 all OMCA products obtained CE Certification. From 1999 OMCA has new building and plant on over 8.000 sq.mt. of which 6.000 covered. Most advanced machinery and equipment, giving a highly reliable

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